By Dwight Miller - July 17, 2024
AI in Music Creation:AI tools can now generate entire songs without direct human input. However, this raises questions about copyright ownership. Who owns the rights to AI-generated music?Blockchain technology, specifically through NFTs (non-fungible tokens), can help address this. NFTs confirm digital ownership on the blockchain, making it clear who owns a song or track1.Benefit: Established artists, fans, and aspiring musicians can receive royalties whenever an AI model creates output incorporating ...
By Dwight Miller - July 16, 2024
The music industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the advent of Web3 technologies. Here are some future trends that are likely to shape the Web3 music landscape:     1.   Decentralized Music Platforms Decentralized platforms like Audius are gaining popularity as they offer musicians more control over their content and revenue. These platforms eliminate intermediaries, allowing artists to directly connect with their audience and retain a larger share of their ...
By Dwight Miller - June 25, 2024
Web3 music epitomizes a groundbreaking evolution in the creation, dissemination, and monetization of music, harnessing the prowess of blockchain technology to empower both creators and aficionados. Here is an elucidation of the essentials to navigate this exhilarating frontier:1.   Decentralization   At the heart of Web3 lies the change in thinking from centralized entities. In the realm of music, this translates to diminishing dependency on conventional record labels, streaming platforms, and other ...
By Dwight Miller - June 11, 2024
For web3 musicians, developing a solid strategy involves leveraging blockchain technology and decentralized platforms to enhance their music careers. Here is a comprehensive strategy:1.   Understanding Web3 Concepts: Educate yourself and other musicians about Web3 concepts like blockchain, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), smart contracts, and decentralized finance (DeFi).2.   Tokenization of Music: Tokenize music assets through NFTs, enabling artists to retain ownership rights, track royalties transparently, and create unique ...
By Dwight Miller - June 4, 2024
Songwriters have a unique opportunity to revolutionize their revenue streams through Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in the web3 era. NFTs allow creators to tokenize their work on blockchain platforms, providing unique digital ownership and monetization opportunities. Here's how songwriters can leverage NFTs:1.   Tokenizing Songs: Songwriters can tokenize their songs as NFTs, representing ownership or rights to the music. Each NFT can be uniquely identified on the blockchain, allowing fans to ...
By Dwight Miller - May 30, 2024
Since the introduction of the music industry, labels, managers, performing rights organizations and others have earned the bulk of music profits. Most musicians have been screwed over for example, a label may take up to 80% of the revenue generated, leaving the remaining 20% royalties to be split between the artist and any co-writers or producers.Web3 Music completely disrupts that narrative. Web3 musicians can keep as much as 80% of ...
By Dwight Miller - May 28, 2024
Web3 music is shaking the foundations of the traditional music industry. As artists and fans alike increasingly adopt blockchain technology, the music landscape is undergoing a significant transformation. Here are the main reasons why Web3 music is causing unease within the industry:    1.   Decentralization Threatens Traditional Gatekeepers In the conventional music industry, major record labels, distributors, and streaming platforms function as gatekeepers, controlling who gets heard and how revenue ...
By Dwight Miller - May 21, 2024
A Web3 musician is a trailblazing artist who uses blockchain technology to transform the music industry. By releasing music as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), these innovators can sell unique digital tracks and experiences directly to fans, bypassing traditional intermediaries. This not only ensures fairer earnings but also enhances royalties.Web3 technologies also enable musicians to cultivate vibrant communities where fans can engage more deeply, influencing creative decisions and accessing exclusive content. This ...
By Dwight Miller - May 14, 2024
Web3 music represents a revolutionary step forward in how music is created, shared, and monetized, leveraging the power of blockchain technology to empower artists and fans alike. Here's a breakdown of the basics to get you started in this exciting new landscape:    1.   Decentralization At its core, Web3 is about moving away from centralized systems. In the music industry, this means reducing reliance on traditional record labels, streaming services, ...
By Dwight Miller - May 9, 2024
In my last post, I explained how a music Nft was different from a crypto Nft. A music Nft is a non-fungible token but the NFT’s role in music is to mint the NFT on the blockchain.By minting your music on the blockchain, you ensure that you are the owner/creator of the music, and your ownership can be easily identified on the blockchain. You can create a direct relationship with ...
